Tech Tip: Browser Bookmarks

Bookmarks are a really useful part of a computer. I just started using them recently. I usually bookmark the website that I use the most common, but more specifically those that are school related. These bookmarks are on my tool bar. That way it is just one click away.
I have a couple bookmark for other items. For instance, I have a whole bookmark for recipes. I am not a huge cook, but if I find an easy recipe that I think would be good, then I bookmark it!
I also have another bookmark for stories that I want to read in this class. Lucky for me, I have been able to as they fit with the specific weeks that we have done so far!

I am really happy with the way that my bookmarks are set up. It drives me crazy when bookmarks go all the way across the browser, so the bookmarks on my toolbar are the most important sites for me.


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