Week 8 Progress
I think that I have made a lot of really great progress this semester. Overall, I am proud of all of my posts and stories that I have written. I would have to say that I am the most proud of my Storybook. Reading the comments makes me happy because a lot of people really like the direction that I am going. People also say that they are looking forward to reading more! It is always nice to hear nice things about your school work. My weekly routine shifts every now and then. I usually get the readings done on Monday and Tuesday, then I complete the story on Thursday. Over the weekend I try to space out the other school work but that doesn't always happen. My favorite class assignments are commenting on people's blogs. I think that it is really fun and interesting to see how other people take a story and transform it into something of their own. Every week I do extra credit. I think that the Wikipedia Trails are really fun! My website is set up just the way I like it! It is easy to navigate and I like the layout!
I want to read more in depth when reading the stories every week. Sometimes I rush my way through and find a surface level meaning to the story. If I go more in depth, then I will get more out of the reading and in return my story will be great! I want to start to avoid waiting until Sunday to finish up my assignments and doing extra credit. Working ahead is definitely the way to approach this class and I need to realize that I can work ahead more. By doing this, I will become more productive and create better content. It will also give me more time to write the best story that I can because I won't be worrying about finishing up in time.

This image is my motivation. I graduate in about 2 months! I can't believe it! No matter how hard school gets, I need to see that I am so close to the finish line!
I want to read more in depth when reading the stories every week. Sometimes I rush my way through and find a surface level meaning to the story. If I go more in depth, then I will get more out of the reading and in return my story will be great! I want to start to avoid waiting until Sunday to finish up my assignments and doing extra credit. Working ahead is definitely the way to approach this class and I need to realize that I can work ahead more. By doing this, I will become more productive and create better content. It will also give me more time to write the best story that I can because I won't be worrying about finishing up in time.

This image is my motivation. I graduate in about 2 months! I can't believe it! No matter how hard school gets, I need to see that I am so close to the finish line!
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